Programme description
The Physics Bachelor degree program provides comprehensive theoretical and experimental knowledge of fundamental principles governing the physical world. Students gain skills in areas such as mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and condensed matter physics. The program includes both lectures and laboratory classes, enabling practical application of the acquired knowledge.
Students can choose between three thematic pathways: General Physics, Materials Physics, and Nuclear Physics. They can also create their own personalized program from selected courses and lectures. This flexible program structure allows students to tailor their profiles and competencies for pursuing academic careers at universities or professional careers in industry, education, material research, data analysis, or the energy sector. The program finishes with the defense of a thesis presenting the results of independently conducted scientific research.
A degree in physics is ideal for those eager to refine their analytical and logical abilities while making a meaningful impact on the future of technology. Join us in exploring the endless possibilities that a physics education can offer!
Requirements under the Act on the Protection of Minors
Warunkiem uczestniczenia w praktycznych zajęciach dydaktycznych (laboratoriach) oraz odbycia obowiązkowych studenckich praktyk zawodowych jest spełnienie przez studenta wymagań określonych w ustawie z dnia 13 maja 2016 r. o przeciwdziałaniu zagrożeniom przestępczością na tle seksualnym i ochronie małoletnich, w szczególności poddanie się weryfikacji w Rejestrze Sprawców Przestępstw na Tle Seksualnym oraz przedłożenie informacji z Krajowego Rejestru Karnego w zakresie określonych przestępstw, a w przypadku studentów będących cudzoziemcami albo zamieszkujących w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat w innych państwach niż RP również złożenie dodatkowych oświadczeń, a także informacji z rejestrów karnych innych państw wraz z tłumaczeniami przysięgłymi. Niespełnienie wymagań określonych ww. ustawą uniemożliwi uczestniczenie w zajęciach praktycznych oraz odbycie obowiązkowych studenckich praktyk zawodowych, a w konsekwencji ukończenie studiów.
Example of courses
- Mechanics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Mathematical and Computational Tools
- Oscillations and Waves
- Thermodynamics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Optics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Intellectual Property, Patents, and Entrepreneurship
Graduate competencies
Most graduates of the Physics program continue their education in Master's degree studies. Our bachelor's degree holders are well-prepared to pursue Master's studies in Physics and various other fields, including the exact sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. Only a few graduates will enter professional careers immediately after graduation. Our educational program equips these graduates with the skills necessary to adapt to the demands of the knowledge-based economy, enabling them to navigate the fast-changing labor market. This is particularly relevant for sectors related to new materials, information technologies, and companies focused on transferring scientific advancements to industry.
Graduates of our first-cycle studies possess a solid foundation in modern physics, mathematics, and computer science. They understand, describe, and model fundamental physical phenomena using mathematical tools. Additionally, they are capable of designing and conducting simple physical experiments, interpreting results, and gathering, processing, and communicating essential information. Overall, they are thoroughly prepared for their second-cycle studies.
The Bachelor's Degree Graduate
- Has knowledge of the fundamentals of modern physics, mathematics, and computer science.
- Understands and can describe and model basic physical phenomena using mathematical tools.
- Can design and conduct simple physical experiments and interpret their results.
- Is capable of obtaining, collecting, processing, and communicating necessary information.
- Is thoroughly prepared for further education in Master's degree studies.
Career prospects
- In scientific and research institutions
- In industrial laboratories
- In companies related to the computer industry
- In the public sector and administration
- In schools, after obtaining additional pedagogical qualifications